YWCA Greater Pittsburgh
YWCA Greater Pittsburgh is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. We envision a community that advances education, opportunity, and equity regardless of gender, race, or background.
YWCA Greater Pittsburgh’s Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is a community resource for strengthening connections between women, their families, friends and the organizations that provide services and support to women. YWCA Greater Pittsburgh removes barriers and disparities that hinder women from becoming self-sufficient. We offer a safe and supportive space for women to connect to resources that include basic needs, housing, legal services, healthcare, childcare, financial services, career, personal and professional development.
YWCA works nationally and locally to support anti-violence policies and programs that protect survivors, hold perpetrators accountable and work to eradicate sexual assault and domestic violence, trafficking of women and girls, and dating violence. Specifically, we advocate for the continuance and full funding for the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and legislation that ensures employment stability and economic security for survivors of violence against women.