Charles Langston – Cornell High School

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Assistant Basketball coach Charles Langston at Cornell High School is a champion of Coaching Boys into Men [CBIM]. CBIM is a tool for high school coaches to mentor their male athletes by having conversations about healthy relationships, respectful behaviors, and social media.

“CBIM opened up our dialogue as coaches and developed our relationships, not just as a team, but as men who care about supporting and guiding our players.” CBIM seeks to empower athletes to lead their peers by modeling healthy behaviors. Charles, recognizing that the conversations are easily adaptable to a broader audience, now delivers CBIM with both the young women and young men on his team, encouraging everyone to participate.

Since starting the program, he has witnessed his players engaging in healthy behaviors with one another and other students in the hallways and classrooms of his school. Charles hopes that other coaches will learn more and consider adopting CBIM with their teams: “You could be one conversation away from changing a child’s life.”

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