Sign the Father’s Day Pledge to End Gender Violence!

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Domestic and sexual violence affect us all – either directly or through people we know. These crimes were once perceived as “women’s issues,” but that is changing. More and more, men are stepping forward, realizing they too have a role to play as fathers, uncles, brothers, mentors, and role models. Every man who steps forward and speaks out against violence helps to encourage other men and boys to take action.

The Father’s Day Pledge to End Gender Violence is a statewide campaign, asking men to make a commitment to taking action.

The Pledge:

I will work to end gender violence and pledge to:

  • Not use violence of any form in my relationships.
  • Speak up if another man is abusing his partner or is disrespectful or abusive to women and girls. I will not remain silent.
  • Be an ally to women who are working to end all forms of gender violence.
  • Mentor and teach boys about how to be men in ways that don’t involve degrading or abusing girls and women. I will lead by example.

Hundreds of men have already signed the Pledge. Will you?

You can also learn more about local Pledge events happening in our community.

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